Blazinry Radio

Freeway Ricky Ross (Former American Gangster aka The Real Rick Ross)



BlazinRy Radio host Ryan Holmes welcomes the quintessential American Gangster, former drug kingpin Freeway Ricky Ross. Freeway Rick has been the subject of such recent films as Kill the Messenger and Freeway: A Crack in the System, as well as an upcoming Nick Cassavettes-directed biopic starring Nick Cannon as the drug lord. Enjoy this encore episode as Freeway Rick tells Ryan in a brutally honest interview the reason he put himself at the center of America's crack cocaine epidemic, the first moment he experienced regret over his involvement in the deterioration of inner-city communities across the country, his (unbeknownst-to-him) involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair during the Reagan Administration, and exactly why he thinks Gary Webb, the journalist who exposed the CIA, is dead today. Ultimately, Ross' story is one of selfish actions with dire consequences, an alternate pursuit of the American Dream, envy, incarceration, corruption, forgiveness, and redemption. Take a listen to this podcast. It's a journe