Inside Lenz Network

Shattered Lives: Known as Monique



An Activist against the abduction and trafficking of missing children, S. Monique Smith-Person continues to advocate for heightened awareness around providing safe environments for children.  Founded in 2013, Known As Monique’s mission is to continue to spread awareness about missing children – whether minors or adults – as well as provide education and resources to end child abductions.  Her book, I am the Ancestor, Before I Die, I Must Share my Story, tells her personal story of how she was abducted from a Bronx hospital in the late 60s and how she has led a successful life as a wife, mother and entrepreneur. As a missing adult, Smith-Person continues to search for her biological family in hopes of no longer being a missing child but instead be the daughter, granddaughter, cousin and niece to a family that no doubt longs to have her there. Ms. Smith-Person currently resides in the Baltimore, MD area with her family. Shattered Lives on Facebook: