Dr. Carol Francis

Faith Healers & Mind Body Science with Dr. Carol Francis



  Dr. Carol Francis, Psychologist, explores the mind-body connections and medical and scientific research which may explain the true power of Faith Healers.     Understanding the biological, chemical and physiological components of emotional and physical health as revealed during this last decade of medical research clearly paves the way for understanding the power of healers, energy workers or gazers, such as Braco.     So, is this the hope of the next generation?  Does understanding our mind and emotions give everyone the power to change their health, longevity and agelessness processes?  Possibly yes.     Coming to Los Angeles this weekend is a profound individual, Braco from Croatia, who portrays having the ability to awaken or to heal by way of a meditative gaze.  Reading about his experiencing and listening to testimonies gives us pause and necessitates genuine investigation.  His visit to Los Angeles and his live streaming will enable such to occur again.     This radio show discusses Braco, Eric Pear