Dr. Carol Francis

Empowering Weight Loss-Spiritually, Hypnotically, Practicall



Weight loss, weight control, or weight management can be approached through various tools.  Today, we discuss three tool (and many tools within those three categories) that are fun ways to lose weight and maintain.  Today will be 20% information and 80% fun activities.  Come prepared to dance, grunt, swing for the exercise moments.  In between those fun moments, prepare to laugh, cry, sigh, dream, visualize, conquor, surrender, and relax.  Prepare to speak to those aspects of your spiritual consciousness in terms of your body's well-being and have some hypnotic fun training your unconscious and subconscious to help you with your goals.  This is fun, deep, light-hearted, alternate-reality moments, practical, functional, emotionally charged and relaxing.  Dr Carol Francis can be reached before the show by text or call 310-543-1824 or at drcarolfrancis@gmail.com or drcarolfrancis.com.  Check out her website on weight loss BodyMindSculpting.com and her book "If You Can't Stop Eating, Maybe You're Hungry:  Reset Y