Simon Barrett

The Week In Reviews - Binky Philips And The Planets



As amazing as it sounds, NYC rock legends Binky Philips & The Planets after 47 years will be releasing their debut album “Established 1972 NYC” on April 26th! David Fricke of Rolling Stone once described  the band as “the best rock & roll band I never saw or heard.”  Says Binky, “Over many years, I have written about ten albums worth of songs. None of them ever got past the demo stage. Perhaps, rightly so. It's fitting that The Planets' first ever true full-blown-production album, 'Established 1972 NYC', is comprised of the best songs I have ever written. The brand of music we play could be called Unhyphenated Rock. It's straight up. It's hard. It's real. We are not Pop. We are not Metal. We are not Punk. We are not Retro. We are Rock & Roll.”