Simon Barrett

The Week In Review - 2002 - A World Away



In the genre of New Age, or as I prefer to call it Neo Classical there are for me two clearly defined categories, I call the first ‘passive’. This is by far the most common form, the music is soft and soothing, it almost encourages the listener to ‘zone out’ and maybe do something else, read a book, write a letter, enjoy looking at some fine art, or whatever. The second category I call ‘Active’, it engages the listener, it holds your attention, it is impossible to ignore, it must be listened to! 2002 are the Poster Children of ‘Active’, they are a truly unique band consisting of Mom, Dad, and Daughter. Wikipedia says: Randy Copus plays piano, electric cello, guitar, bass, and keyboards. Pamela Copus plays flutes, harp, keyboards, and a wind instrument called a WX5. Their daughter Sarah sings and plays Celtic harp, violin, baritone ukulele, piano, and Irish whistle.