Liberal Fix

Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Ira Chaleff



Ira Chaleff’s Intelligent Disobedience: Doing Right When What You’re Told to Do Is Wrong: Torture at Abu Ghraib. Corporate fraud. Falsified records at Veterans Administration hospitals. Teachers pressured to feed test answers to students. These scandals could have been prevented if, early on, people had said ‘no’ to their higher-ups. In his timely book, Chaleff—one of Leadership Excellence magazine’s “100 Best Minds on Leadership”—uses dozens of vivid examples of historical events and everyday situations, and offers advice on judging whether intelligent disobedience is called for, how to effectively express opposition, and how to create a culture where, rather than “just following orders,” citizens are educated and encouraged to think about whether those orders make sense.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue...every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you