Liberal Fix

Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Allen Clifton of Forward Progressives



This episode will include a pre-recorded interview with special guest Allen Clifton. Allen  is from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and has a degree in Political Science. He is a co-founder of Forward Progressives, and author of the popular Right Off A Cliff column. He is also the founder of the Right Off A Cliff facebook page, on which he routinely voices his opinions and stirs the pot for the Progressive movement. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.