Truth Seekers

Come Chat With N. Riley Heagerty about Physical Mediumship



N. Riley Heagerty has been researching Historic Spiritualism and Mediumship since 1986 and has concentrated on the physical phenomena attending the great mediums who manifested their gifts within what he refers to as the  “ Century of Wonders, ” between 1848 and 1948.  According to Mr. Heagerty, “ That century produced mind staggering manifestations witnessed on numerous occasions by individuals who’s integrity would be an insult to question. We have been given countless instances of positive proof of not only life after death but direct communication by spirits. It is also a sad fact that the world, in general, is woefully unaware of these titanic events which, if understood, would change the course of human thinking. In light of this, Mr. Heagerty has thus far produced five books dealing with mediums from that century. The First, The French Revelation, documented the independent voice mediumship of Mrs. Emily S. French, Portraits from Beyond: The Mediumship of the Bangs Sisters, concerned the precipitated