Truth Seekers

Come Chat With Krisztina Nemeth The Vocal Medium



  Krisztina Nemeth  is a professional operasinger and teacher of classical singing. She graduated at the University of Music and Performing Arts of Graz in Austria. During a remarkable career in the opera world in December 2012 she discovered to be a Vocal Medium. From then on she has devoted herself to Healing Voice and takes group - and individual sessions, workshops and spiritual retreats in order to share her extraordinary experience with people all over Italy and abroad. With her mediumistic healing voice she has sung for famous people such as Masaru Emoto, (he wrote the foreward to her book Healing Voice) Angaangag, Kiara Windrider, Daniel Meurois and Maitra.  She works with various nationally and internationally recognized mediums like Chris Drew, Bill Coller, Andrew Byng, Sue Rowland. She works with researcher Daniele Gullá and scientist and researcher Med. Prof. Carlo Ventura. Krisztina has been invited to a number of congresses such as “The Circle of Life”(I-2013/2014), “Psicomedicina Quantis