Truth Seekers

Come Listen To Dr. Jan Holden on experiences with after-death communication.



In this program, Dr. Holden will report on both research findings and personal and professional experiences with after-death communication (ADC): the spontaneous or facilitated experience of direct contact with a deceased person with whom one has a personal relationship. For the research portion, she will review findings from the 35 studies of spontaneous ADC that were published between 1894 and 2006 involving over 50,000 people from around the world as well as a 2011 study in Australia. She will also describe practice of Induced After-Death Communication (IADC), a technique to facilitate a client’s ADC during a counseling session—including a study she and her research team recently completed on the effects of IADC on grief. She will illustrate both of these topics with her own spontaneous and facilitated experiences and those of others who have been her counseling clients or research participants.