Truth Seekers

Come Chat with Tom Cratsley about Spiritual Healing, and Restructuring Method



Tom is a  dynamic healer and teacher.  He has developed innovative methods of healing which achieve consistent results.  His joyful approach opens the hearts of all who work with him. Tom has worked in the fields of counseling, spiritual healing and teaching for over 30 years and is the creator and developer of the Restructuring method of accessing, releasing, and transforming unconscious resistance patterns.  He is an ordained minister with Fellowships of the Spirit and for the past 10 years he has served as associate director of their School of Healing and Prophecy.  While at Harvard Divinity School Tom was inspired to direct his attention to matters of the human heart and the possibilities of growth and transformation through development of the spiritual dimensions of the heart.  Since then he has created numerous classes and workshops to support others in exploring the vast dimensions, and extraordinary healing potentials of the heart. He was greatly influenced by three thinkers:  Robert Fritz for his