Polytechnicast - Interactive Storyteller

Polytechnicast - Thinking About and Working with Data for UX and Overall



Here I explore a variety of things about working with data ranging from: exploring it, visualizing it, and things that inspire me to try to provide more ways of interacting with data. In a lot of ways, this is a post is a mix of ideas about being excited about learning from and then presenting what you learn through gathering, exploring, then presenting data. Related Links and Resources Explorable Explanations Rob Stenzinger - Tools I Use Social Science | Explorable Explanations Project Jupyter | Home petl - Extract, Transform and Load (Tables of Data) — petl 1.2.0 documentation SQLite Home Page RAW Graphs RAW App Snap.svg - Home ArtSoundoff Follow all the Art Soundoff posts on Twitter Lean Into Art Subscribe to the Polytechnicast RSS feed in your podcatcher