Happy Hour With Dennis And Erik

Ep. 55 – Psycho-phant



Buy a round! Become a Patron! Links Shouting match erupts involving Dr. Fauci, Peter Navarro, and Jared Kushner (Palmer Report) Google Searches Can Help Us Find Emerging Covid-19 Outbreaks (NY Times) My husband and I are recovering from COVID-19. We’re getting better. But it’s taken more than two weeks to say that, and that was with the “mild” version, meaning no trouble breathing. This virus is absolutely brutal. “Mild” is not mild by any normal definition. – Maggie Astor on Twitter Botellón (Wikipedia) Dispatch 3: Shared Immunity (Radiolab) James Carville (Wikipedia) Video of Joe Biden supporters (Twitter) John Krasinki’s “Some Good News”, Episode 2 (YouTube) The Laff Box (99% Invisible) Wilhelm scream (Wikipedia) Déjà Vu (Wikipedia) Seven (Wikipedia) Buy a round! Become a Patron!