Leadership Revealed

Keep Business Simple But Effective



 ‘Success is predictable because people who have kept things simple and done the basics will repeat their systems and methods.’ In this episode of Leadership revealed John provides and explains reason why doing the small, basic things consistently can have a positive effect on your business. He also gives tips on how important staying on track is and how planning can help you do this.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Things may seem difficult if you’re trying to build a business in an industry that you’re not familiar in so ensure you’re in a field that you’re either researched thoroughly or you already know well. Don’t try and change the industry but try to do the simple things that work well to a high standard then repeat. Don’t get distracted from things that stray away from your businesses core tasks. Even if there are new things that are ‘the next big thing but are too good to be true’, it’s likely that they’re too good to be true so stay on track. You must have a plan, short term and long term. It’s good to have a da