Leadership Revealed

Why Good Mental Health in Business is Vital



‘In our industry, we see the glitz and the glamour the good things we don’t see the dark side the mental anguish people might go through’  Dave is very candid and open about his journey and is talking to John about it - from the start of his business through its very rapid growth and  on to year 4 when it went into administration.  After the company went bust Dave become very depressed and in this frank discussion he shares how he felt emotionally and what it took to move forward and start again.  John and Dave explore the stigma that still exists for men in talking about mental health and share why it’s so important to talk to someone. This is an uplifting episode about learning, investing in people, balance and celebrating the wins in business listen in and enjoy.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  If you are always open and looking for opportunities, opportunities will come.  You have to create your own luck by being open to opportunities.  We helped unemployed people get back into work and linked them with employers