Leadership Revealed

How to Use Your Time Wisely



‘Where do you find the time?’   John gets asked often how he manages to fit in all of the work he does alongside his personal life. His answer to this is that he uses his time efficiently by working intensely within time windows. In this episode, John gives helpful tips that he uses himself to manage his time well.    KEY TAKEAWAYS  Set SMART objectives and be strict with them. These need to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. I do these weekly every Sunday. Always look ahead in your diary, ensure you save time aside to do the smaller tasks that will help you achieve your goal. Delegate as much work as you can, don’t take it all on because you’re not the only one that could do your job. It’s damaging to everyone and you’ll burn yourself out. Eliminate as many distractions as you can so you can get the best work completed. Make sure you have the ability to say “no” so you don’t end up taking on too much work which will result in not giving the best quality. Ask awkward questions s