Leadership Revealed

Franchise Vs Startup, Which is Right For YOU



  ‘Do you buy a franchise or start up on your own?’   This is a great podcast to help you decide whether you should be looking at a franchise or starting up on your own.  John takes us through a comprehensive list of the pros and cons for each option and looks at the reasons and types of people who take on franchises and those who start up on their own. Listen in, hear the pros and cons and then decide.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  The franchisee PROS  Systems - A large majority, if not all of the systems are given to you as part of the franchise package.  Support and Training from Franchisor - You are trained on how to operate all systems with support and further training.  People in the same position - There are lots of other people in the same position and across franchisee’s, there are communities and groups who regularly interact.  The brand - The name is a great help in building the business.  Proven track record - People maybe more likely to use a company and the franchisee rather than an unknown name