Leadership Revealed

Are You in it For The Long Haul?



‘Are you in business for the long haul or are you in it for a quick fix?’ John explains the importance of having longevity within your business in order to see results and be successful. He also discusses tips for being successful in the long run and the advantages of doing so.   KEY TAKEAWAYS A lot of people are surprised by the amount of time it takes to become successful. This is usually because they over estimate how much they they can achieve in a year but underestimate how much they can do in 10 years. Every person who’s on social media that says they’ve got rich quick are in the 0.0000001% of any single person that’s ever been in business. Don’t believe the bullshit that’s been put on social media by people who haven’t worked hard and been consistent for a long period of time. They don’t show you what they’ve had to go through. Have the strategy right to start with then break it down into tactics. Business it too complicated and has too must structure to work if you don’t break it down. You need to