Leadership Revealed

Are You an AskHole?



In this episode of Leadership Revealed John explains what Askholes are, how to know whether you are one and how to deal with them. John also touches on how you can give the best advice and avoid wasting your time on people who don’t deserve it. Listen in to find out more!     KEY TAKEAWAYS  An Askhole is someone who will repeatedly ask for your opinion/experience and yet won’t follow your advice.   The majority of the time when you ask somebody, with a lot more experience, for advice the advice they will give will be good advice. If they then go and ask someone else, then it’s likely that they weren’t given the advice that they wanted to hear.  How do you know if you’re an Askhole?  You need to have a lot of self-awareness? Are you being honest with your self if you don’t get the answer you want? Are you dismissing the evidence, experience and advice of the person that you’ve asked?  How to deal with Askholes on the forums:  Be honest.  Be Blunt and say it how it is, don’t fluff your answer up with white li