Leadership Revealed

How to Deal With Poor Performing Staff



We all have at some point had staff who didn’t perform to their fullest potential. It’s frustrating, it’s annoying and it can be costly  John goes through the 5 tips that he has implemented in his business to ensure you have staff who you can either turn around to perform or you can use to manage out of the business.  Understand what the issue is. It can only be three things. Is it an attitude issue – has the employee got a bad attitude or brought in outside issues to work. Are they not achieving the desired results and why? Are they not carrying out the tasks/actions needed to get the said results?   Evidence Always have as much evidence as you possibly can when dealing with non-performers. It makes the conversation so much easier and gives them no wiggle room. As soon as you start saying the word “I think” “I feel” etc then you don’t have enough evidence   Communication This is vital to turning around non-performers. You need to nip it in the bud as soon as the issue arises and not wait a moment longe