Leadership Revealed

How to get Sh#t Done!



‘I see lots of friends and competitors complaining that they don’t have enough time to get stuff done’ It’s important people know how to get stuff done to progress themselves and their business, in this episode John shares the steps you need to take to get sh#t done. If you feel like you never have enough time and can’t get things done then this episode is for you, listen in and start using your time effectively and getting sh#t done.   KEY TAKEAWAYS In business and life, you need to know what to do, creating a list of everything you need to get done is the starting point. Every week you should create an overview of the tasks that need to be completed over the coming week. Every day at the beginning of each day you should create a list of what needs to be achieved in the coming day. This list should be in the order of urgency to ensure you address the most pressing things first. If you are unable to do some of the things on your list you must source expertise to get the tasks done. Getting sh#t done is no