Joyce Barrie & Friends

STOP THE BULLYING!!! Lauren Nadler, Genece Miller and Jionni



BULLYING is perhaps much more serious than most people realize.  There is bullying in the schools, bullying within the families, cyber bullying and so much more.   Hear from Lauren Patrice Nadler, who directed a short anti-bullying film which was presented at several film festivals.  Lauren was bullied all through her school years. Hear from Genece Miller who has taken up anti-bullying as her special cause.  She too was bullied.  Her son, Jionni, is also on this show to talk about his personal experiences. We MUST do something about it!  This quote  by British philosopher Edmund Burke says it all -- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."               WHAT CAN YOU DO? WHAT WILL YOU DO?