Leadership Revealed

When is enough enough?



When is enough, enough? In this episode John Paul talks about when it is time to let go of your non-performing staff.   In all of my years of coaching and mentoring, I have never known of an occasion where a member of staff has been let go of too soon, but many occasions where a non performer has been kept hold of for too long. This episode will discuss the 4 main reasons for keeping hold of a bad staff member, and how to overcome them, listen in and find out more.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Why do companies hang on to staff for too long? The worst thing that you can do is keep hold of a non performing member of staff in the business You or other staff members will have to pick up the non performers duties whilst they are still in the business, which will be extremely demotivating for everyone else You are always in the driving seat You should always hire slow, fire fast   BEST MOMENTS "Don't accept mediocracy'" "How does it look to your colleagues when you keep hold of a non performing member of staff?" "Have