Leadership Revealed

How not to have a meeting, for a meetings sake



How not to have a meeting, for a meetings sake In this episode, John Paul gives his guide to the types of meetings which he finds most valuable anyhow he runs his business to great effect. John gives the lowdown on morning huddles, weekly meetings and SMT (senior Management Team) monthly meets as well as discovering tips for nipping any time-wasters in the bud!   KEY TAKEAWAYS Meetings ensure that you and your staff will refocus, with the increased routine and good habits. It's the little things that effect how you run you business, as well as your personal life. Meeting must be efficient and effective with actionable results. If your staff don't understand how your business makes money, you can't expect them to make money for you.   BEST MOMENTS "If you say what you're going to do, you're twice as likely to do it" "Don't be afraid to share figures and finances with your team"   VALUABLE RESOURCES Leadership Revealed Podcast Castledene Sales & Lettings   ABOUT THE HOST John has several Estate a