America Meditating Radio Show W/ Sister Jenna

Giving Birth to the New Earth by Empowering Women w/ Amandine Roche



Amandine Roche is a United Nations Human Rights and Women's Empowerment Expert with 20 years of experience in conflict contexts across Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. She has participated in 20 peace processes around the world and worked with refugees in India, Kenya, Jordan, and Lebanon. Amandine spent a decade in Kabul and is the founder of the Amanuddin Foundation in Afghanistan to promote yoga and meditation to prisoners, women, soldiers, the Taliban, and children. She joins Sister Jenna to discuss humanitarian and peacekeeping efforts and how empowering women can give birth to the New Earth. Visit & Get the Off the Grid Into the Heart CD by Sister Jenna & listen to Vibrations of Love on Spotify.  Like America Meditating & on Twitter.  Visit Download our free Pause for Peace App for Apple or Android.