America Meditating Radio Show W/ Sister Jenna

Wisdom from the Spirit World w/ Carole J. Obley & Sister Jenna



Acclaimed spiritual medium and popular author Carole J. Obley has been the bridge between the earthly and spirit world in over 11,000 group and individual readings. She has been the subject of newspaper articles, spoken on both radio and TV and is the author of four books on mediumship and healing, including her newest release, Wisdom From the Spirit World: Life Teachings on Love, Forgiveness, Purpose and Finding Peace. She is recognized for bringing compassion and integrity to mediumship by her sincere intent to be of service to others through her talents and experience. In addition to maintaining a private practice in Pennsylvania, she presents seminars and workshops in person and through online teachings. She's taught many workshops at Lilydale, N.Y., the largest U.S. center for spiritualism. Visit Listen to Vibrations of Love by Sister Jenna on Spotify.  Like America Meditating & on Twitter.  Visit Download our free Pause for Peace App for Apple or An