Immanuel Christian Center

Aleph - WREV - 2019



Aleph is the first message in this series. This series looks at the common message of the books corresponding to the respective Hebrew Consonants in the outer wheel. 22 Hebrew consonants in the outer wheel, Genesis through Song of Solomon (22 books 1-22) in the second wheel, Isaiah through Acts (22 books 23-44) in the third wheel & Romans through Revelation (22 books 45-66) in the fourth wheel. We investigate the common message in each corresponding spoke of the wheels, i.e. The first letter in the Alephbet (Aleph), book 1 (Genesis), book 23 (Isaiah) and book 45 (Romans). Essentially the first letter to the first book of each wheel. We pray this message will be provoking to your thought and desire to search the boundaries of scripture...! Grace and Peace....