Signposts With Russell Moore

Signposts: How Churches Can Minister to the Divorced



In this episode of Signposts I discuss what the responsibility of the local church is toward members who have experienced divorce, and what the gospel means for how we bear each other’s burdens through this. Listen below and subscribe to Signposts to get new episodes automatically when they publish. ___________________ Below is an edited transcript of the audio. I had a question that came in by e-mail from a listener who is asking about the issue of divorce; and not really a question about whether divorce is permissible, but this listener said, “I see a lot of confusion from church to church about how to minister to divorced people in their congregations. Some churches seem to pretend not to notice while others essentially treat divorced people as second-tier Christians. What can local churches do for those who have come out of or perhaps are in the middle of a divorce, and practically is there anything that churches shouldn’t do?” That’s a really good question and I’m drawn back to a study that I saw several