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Know Thyself To Create Thy Future



You would want to know just about everything about a prospective business partner before going in on a new venture together. Strengths, weaknesses, skill set – you would take careful inventory of it all. But have you done the same for your most important partner of all – yourself? Having a blind spot for where you still have work to do in developing your skills can be fatal. You must apply a clear-eyed view to where you are likely to fall into trouble – be it in marketing, operations, hiring, or elsewhere – and identify how your plan for remedying the weakness. View the full post and video here:  Summary: When hiring team members, you very likely take a long look at the strengths and weaknesses they bring to the table. You want to know where they can help you reach new heights and where they have weaknesses that you may want to work on. But are you applying the same scrutiny to yourself? You are, after all, the most important partner you’ll have in any new venture. It’s critical that you