Live Rich

Your Plan For Action



  So what’s your plan? Not having a vision laid out in explicit detail on how you aim to drive toward your goals is a surefire sign that you are not serious about your goals. The simple act of just committing your objectives and strategy to paper makes it exponentially more likely that you will follow through on what you need to do. View the full post and video here:  Summary: No matter where you want to go, you’ll need a plan to get there. Whether your goal is a new house, early retirement, or a new business, the only way to get there is to plan far ahead. Too many of us nurture half-baked dreams without ever breaking them down into the necessary action steps that will guide us along the way. Listen to learn more on how you can divide and conquer with your plan of attack, use the power of visualization to keep your goals in your sights, and ultimately lay the groundwork for attaining big money and big happiness for your future self.