Live Rich

Money And Mindset



The correct mindset stems from knowing that money is not the end-all and be-all. It does not guarantee happiness despite a lot of wishful thinking about the wealthy. Nor for that matter, of course, does money make someone a lesser person or heighten their odds of unhappiness. It is merely a tool that one can use, which often illuminates their true character. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Lucky numbers. We all think about them – that right combination of digits on a lottery ticket that could change our life overnight and deliver us from a lifetime of uninspiring work. But have you ever noticed what lottery winners tend to do? Long after the oversized cheque has been handed out and the balloons have fallen, there is often struggle. It is not at all uncommon to read of winners who simply couldn’t handle their sudden influx of cash and struggle to ever return to a life of normalcy. Some even wind up declaring bankruptcy after quickly blowing through the cash. The problem here l