Live Rich

Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's Reality



You are where you are and who you are based on all of the past decisions you have made. You don’t just wake up one day wealthy – or poor. You don’t roll out of bed fit – or miserably out of shape. Your present reality is driven by a thousand actions, both tiny and large, that you carry out each and every day, often without even thinking about it. The good news is that the decisions you make today, both now and moving forward into the future, will allow you to become what and who you want to be - and create what you want to create. Be strategic and utilize tactics that will allow you to consistently make better decisions to create the life you want and make success your reality. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Our long-term goals and objectives are determined by the thought and rigor we put into our daily decisions. A single day might not seem like a terrible thing to sacrifice. Cheating at a single meal or deviating from a financial goal “just this once” might not seem like