Live Rich

What Does Success Mean?



You can read the full post and view the video here:  Summary:   What does success mean to you? For most people, success will include some monetary aspect. Your definition may include owning a nice car or house, having enough money to take care of your family and to live the kind of life you choose. So money is a major aspect of success for most people. There are many other types of success as well, such as academic achievement, athletic achievement, as well as success in relationships with family and friends. There are many different areas in which success may be important to you. Ultimately, your definition of success is going to be highly personal. It will be different for each person according to what matters most to them. Success is a very individual thing and rightfully so, because not all of us want the same levels of success or the same types of success. However, even though each person’s definition of and path to success is highly personal, it is also true that there are certain