Leadership Revealed

Is Feedback a Gift?



In this episode, John shares some of his own stories on how he has previously handled feedback, both positive and negative. Most of us, if not all, have received negative feedback in some way. There are effective ways to give feedback but also constructive ways to receive it and what we choose to do with it. It’s no good to receive feedback and advice and not act on what areas you can improve. Do you handle feedback well? Do you take negative feedback personally? Listen to this episode for John’s advice on handling feedback and what you should do with it.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Look at feedback logically and analytically. Don’t take negative feedback personally. Listen to your staff’s requests. It is vital to act on the feedback you receive from them and it will ultimately instil confidence and loyalty to your business.   BEST MOMENTS “Feedback truly is a gift if you look at it in a certain way. It is the only way that you are going to improve.”   VALUABLE RESOURCES Leadership Revealed Podcast Castleden