Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

7 Ways to cure your Procrastination



Are you a chronic procrastinator?Have you ever done TO-DO lists and scheduled projects or chores but do not follow any of them?Do you delay doing things or projects for a tomorrow that might never come, just to feel worst, overwhelmed and even guilty?Do you feel you are standing in your own way of success and fulfillment not knowing what to do?Ever dreamed to start something (A business, writing a book, volunteer for a cause you love, work out, going on a diet, study a new course, finish a home project; but never did?You start with the best intentions just to keep putting things off?You are not the only one.  Procrastination is a very common problem; scientific research proved that it is not a Time Management issue it is rather a bad habit or a personal issue that stands between us and fulfilling our success and dreamsI am sure that all of us including myself go through moments if not periods of procrastination, but we do not either realize it at the time or we do not understand why we procrastinate and defin