Survivor Whispers

Survivor's Wackiest People and Wildest Moments



Throughout Survivor's 21 year history, we have been treated to some of the craziest and wackiest people to have ever played the game. These people have been known to create some of the craziest moments that we've ever seen in the game as well! This Thursday night, we will look back on some of the craziest people to have produced these moments throughout the 21 year history of Survivor! Idol plays, Zany characters, Advantage misplays, everything can come up during this discussion as there has never been a shortage of wacky moments! Join Jim Early and the gang this thursday night for another edition of the Missyae Podcast as we look back at the Wackiest People and Wildest Moments in Survivor's history! Call in at (657) 383-1308 and feel free to join in on the discussion!