Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

5 Strategies for a successful balancing act for Mompreneurs



http://www.soyouthinkyoucanentrepreneur.comWomenpreneurs especially Mompreneurs usually joggle their personal and business lives , some might believe they need to give up one for the other . Giving up their dreams or giving up their children or so they think! Many mompreneurs sometimes do not chase their dreams, and all of a sudden they realize that they are left alone, children went to college and none of their dreams came true, sometimes they do not even have a careerThe balancing act is either too complicated or do not have support to perform the Entrepreneurship or Mompreneur danceOn this eposide we are interviewing Ms. Shirlee Smith a Parent Advisor/Consultant and Parent Advocate.As a 30 year-old single parent of 5, she enrolled as an undergraduate at UCLA. After graduating with honors, she founded her own PR firm. She is an LA Press Club award winning columnist. She later founded Talk About Parenting with Shirlee Smith, a non profit organization. She is the recipient of California State Senate Women in