My Voice With Dara & Friends

Divorce...The Good, The Bad, & The Lessons. (pt. 1)



Marriage is suppose to be a "forever" choice, when you walk down that aisle and you say those vowels, its real.No one ever says,"I hope this ends in divorce". "I hope I become a divorce statistic." "Give me something and then take it away."And sure some may call us weak, or even say we lack value or morals when it comes to staying in our marriages. There may have even been a point when I would agree with you. BUT today is not that day!I sit down and speak with 2 beautiful ladies about the GOOD the BAD and the LESSONS that came along with saying "I Don't". Thank you Monica and Anniliese for such a wonderful transparent conversation.And later we are joined by another great friend of mine who is also divorced.Join in the discussion, comment, share, or find your voice and tell your story.