Survivor Whispers

Big Brother 23 Cast Assessment Preview



It's summer time and it's time for another season of gameplay (hopefully), alliances, backstabs, flirting, challenges, blindsides, and so much more! In what is promised to be an equal opportunity cast this season, we are sure to finally get what Big Brother fans have wanted for a while. So with the cast about to be announced, it's time to break down this year's main twist and how it will impact this year's cast! What do our hosts think about this year's twist and will it actually shake up the game for once? What do our hosts also think about this year's cast? Discuss all of this and more FRIDAY NIGHT as Jim Early and Missyae Productions brings to you the Big Brother 23 Cast Assessment podcast! Call in at (657) 383-1308 and feel free to give your thoughts about either the twists or this year's cast!