Evolving Faith

8. John Haught: Between Natural and Supernatural?



John Haught is a leading Roman Catholic evolutionary theologian and Senior Fellow in Science and Religion at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University. His passion is systematic theology informed by science, cosmology, ecology, and evolution. He’s the author of Making Sense of Evolution; Christianity and Science: Toward a Theology of Nature; and a dozen other important books in the field. Professor Haught has inspired an entire generation of Christian leaders who fully embrace a deep-time, deeply ecological worldview. This conversation, sparked by two of Dowd's Huffington Post blog entries, "New Theists: Knowers, Not Believers" and "God: Personification ≠ Person," clarifies why more than one approach to Evolutionary Christianity is both legitimate and important. Here, John and Michael discuss naturalism, supernaturalism, and what John calls "a third way" between the two, inspired by the work of renowned 20th century theologian Paul Tillich. Theme song "Holy Now" courtesy of Peter Mayer.