The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

Where This VC Helps Put $3.7B Worth of Capital And Five $100M+ Companies He Loves, EP 299: Adam Valkin



Adam Valkin, managing director at General Catalyst partners. General Catalyst have invested in tech startups such as Air BnB, Stripe, Kayak, and ClassPass. Adam’s worked with top venture capital firms in Europe and the States, was the CEO of LoveFilm, and has many years of experience investing in startups. Listen in for a fascinating conversation on the future of online gaming, the process of investing in tech start-ups, and why it’s better to disrupt than be disrupted. Famous 5 Favorite Book? – Good To Great What CEO do you follow? — Jeff Bezos What is your favorite online tool? — GIPHY Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? —That it’s a young person’s world. In your 20s, everything is possible for you. Don’t wait. Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:33 – Nathan’s introduction 02:43 – Welcoming Adam to the show 03:10 – How did Adam get started in venture capital? 03:40 – Got involved with European internet companies, looking for a new frontier 04:17