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What if You Could Invest $100k Once, Make $20k/Year Forever? EP 251: Jefferson Lilly



Jefferson Lilly, a millionaire who left his Silicon Valley job to become an expert in Mobile Home Park Investment. Listen as Nathan goes over the nuts and bolts of Mobile Home Park Investing with one of the industry’s leaders. Famous 5 Favorite Book? – The Snowball What CEO do you follow? — Sam Zell What is your favorite online tool? — Search Tempest Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Yes If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? — How good this niche of real estate is...I would have started raising outside capital sooner. Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:20 – Nathan’s introduction 02:01 – Welcoming Jefferson to the show 02:15 – Why Jefferson left Silicon Valley to enter mobile home investing 02:40 – “Warren Buffett was right” - Jefferson looked for value investments 03:10 – Mobile home parks yield 300-400 basis points more than apartments 03:30 – Jefferson was 39 with a $100k salary when he got involved with property investing 04:30 – First deal was $450k, with an 80% loan from the bank