The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

This Mom of 3 Does Clever Thing Each Morning, Has Made $76 Million with Jana Francis of EP 244



Jana Francis, founder and president of Steals, and a mother of three. Listen as Jana shares how she started Steals in her basement and grew the company to the point where it generates nearly $10M dollars. Famous 5Favorite Book? – Purple CowWhat CEO do you follow?— Marissa MayerWhat is your favorite online tool?— SlackDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?— Stop stressing so hard being so poor because one day, you won’t be Time Stamped Show Notes:01:00 – Nathan’s introduction01:35 – Welcome Jana to the show01:40 – How Steals make money03:10 – Holding inventory07:50 – 17% net margin09:43 – Jana started her business in their basement09:56 – $680,000 in 200810:15 – $8M revenues in 201511:56 – 22 employees in total13:07 – Total emails at 375,00016:20 – Snapchat Jana_Steals18:05 – Famous 5 3 Key Points:Buying products at a deep discount and reselling at a markup is easy money—IF you’re willing to be patient.Most ecommerce businesses are splitting pen