The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

Sold 5 Companies Before Age of 30, Now Side Stream Income is $500k/Year with Lane Campbell EP 218



Listen as Lane Campbell shares his insight on the importance of partnerships for rapid growth, the challenges of finding quality technical talent, and his plans for the future. Famous 5Favorite Book? – The Hard Thing About Hard ThingsWhat CEO do you follow?— Mark ZuckerbergWhat is your favorite online tool?— SlackDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Leave college early. Time Stamped Show Notes:01:06 – Nathan’s introduction 01:28 – Welcoming Lane to the show01:33 – The 5 companies Lane sold before he was 3002:20 – Lifetime value of exits was south of $10M02:45 – Lane’s current projects03:51 – His #1 focus right now is TBD04:44 – Lane’s #1 income stream is Create.ly05:39 -- $20-$40K is Lane’s consulting fee07:25 – Use partnerships and incentives to grow rapidly08:18 – Even if you’re a name brand you can still decline in revenue year of year09:05 – did roughly $500K in 201509:52 – The challenge of attracting top technical talent11:26 –