365flicks Podcast

005 2014 Round-Up/ Hobbit Review/ 2015 Look Ahead



The pissed off ex Video Store Clerk and the Whedon Whore return for there 2014 Round-Up... We talk about our Top 5 of 2014 and List some of the downright terrible... Then we move onto our review of the Hobbit: 5 Armies... Before ending the show with our look ahead to 2015 and what we want to see... Strap in and get ready for the verbal "365...24/7" Remember to drop by 365Flicks Like us on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/365Flickscom Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/365Flickscom Subscribe to The PodVideos on YouTube http://youtu.be/LFxcHvxPj70?list=PLEuZfOXQhFi4mGstfq979dxUICCnuinTN