Talking Tigers, The Official Richmond Podcast

2021 Episode 5: Swans review, and a Balmey update



In an AFL world that is full of change right now, it’s comforting for Richmond supporters to know the Club’s podcast juggernaut Talking Tigers remains a constant in their football lives. The latest episode is trademark TT, with plenty of information, opinion and entertainment to sate the appetite of Yellow and Black barrackers from right around the globe. Respected Richmond senior adviser Neil Balme, in his guest spot, provides an update on Sydney Stack’s return, as well as 213 cm Category B rookie Mate Colina’s arrival at Tigerland. ‘Balmey’ also excitedly discusses Noah Balta’s recent re-signing with the Tigers. Club great Matthew Richardson has some astonishing news about The Chief’s spin-off series plans. And TT reveals the player selected as the running half-back in its best combined Richmond premiership side from 1967-2020. See for privacy information.