Carefree Black Nerd Podcast

CBN Season 3 | Issue 31 | Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer



Issue 31: This issue focuses on the formidable ninja warrior slayer of demons, Harriet Tubman CBN Season 3 | Issue 31 | Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer When slave owners can’t stop the formidable ninja warrior Harriet Tubman, they call on the help of Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, & Demons to stop her. Harriet Tubman must lead a family of slaves to freedom while battling an army of darkness. Harriet Tubman: Demon Slayer was created and written by Actor and Writer, David Crownson. David was born and raised in the exotic town of Frenchtown, New Jersey. This passion project’s first issue was illustrated by Courtland Ellis who is currently working as a freelance concept and character designer, as well as being a pre-production and motion graphic artist at Aspire Ventures. David Crownson’s twitter: [ tweet him and tell him the CarefreeBlackNerd sent you ] Courtland Ellis’s twitter: [ tweet him and tell him the CarefreeBlackNerd loves his work ] ** Harriet Tubman: Demo