Eternal Leadership

004 Amy Everette - One Thing for Powerful Business Breakthroughs



Business leadership can be a lonely place.  Amy Everette shares how she has experience incredible breakthroughs and miracles through one simple change in her business.  Prayer As co-owner and Chief Prayer Officer of Marketplace ROCK, Amy Everette is dedicated to seeing people, businesses and whole industries transformed for the Kingdom of God, empowered to positively impact the world. She is a marketplace and ministry leader with a heart and passion for bringing God’s people together AS ONE, in the spirit, through prayer (John 17). Her business, ministry and personal life are interwoven with prayer and a desire to see people healed physically, spiritually and emotionally… setting them free to fulfill their destiny in God’s Kingdom. In addition to her spiritual strength, Amy calls on 26+ years of experience in management consulting, call center operations, relationship management technology and sales/management skills training bringing a wealth of knowledge and guidance to business people in all industries. Th