Inspiring Personal Development Interviews With Salespeople, Trainers, Coaches & Authors. Gary Vaynerchuk, Mel Robbins, Grant

Michael Maher - 7L Speaker, Trainer, Networker & Real Estate Agent on generating over 500 referrals a year!



HOW TO BUILD A REFERRAL BASED BUSINESS As a 3rd year agent Michael generated over 300 referrals producing over 40 million in volume with 187 closed units. Today Michael Generates over 500 Referrals a year!   The misconception was that in order to be successful in real estate you had to either, cold call, door knock or send emails.  MICHAEL WENT DOWN THE RELATIONSHIP PATH Michael's 1, 2 PUNCH IS THE FUTURE OF REAL ESTATE  In-Bound Marketing (activities that attract visitors to you)   Referrals(following up through relationships)   MINDSET - We have to be willing to do whatever it takes no matter what!  "This is a simple process of following the successful people and doing what they do."  Michael Maher INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR REFERRALS, WE LEARN TO HAVE A REFERRAL CONVERSATION. Check out the live role play!